Monday, January 20, 2014


If you've read my blog or follow me on any form of social media, you know that the only thing that rivals my passion for sewing is music.

I love music for many different reasons but one of the best things about having a passion for a band is finding wonderful people who have the same passion. When I joined a group for fans of The Airborne Toxic Event, I had no idea I had just found a gold mine of awesome people. All ages, from all over the world, this small group of people are some of the kindest, most inspiring and talented people I've been lucky enough to meet.

When I was asked if I wanted to participate in an"virtual baby shower" for one of these special people, I don't think I need to tell you that I didn't hesitate to say yes.

Our soon to be new mom is Colleen, a very talented writer who blogs over at These Stunning Ruins. Take a moment to visit her and browse her blog a bit before coming back to me.

Since all the bloggers participating in this virtual baby shower met through out mutual love of TATE, it was decided the theme of this shower would be just that....TATE.

(iPhone pics again, sorry!)

After talking to Colleen a little about a sweatshirt we both purchased from TATE's merch store, I thought it might be cute for her little man to have his own comfy jacket. To keep it in theme, I chose a fabric with birds on it and chose a red lining instead of mortally wounded birds...cause that would be a little weird, amirite?


I decided to make a size 3 months. Everyone gets you newborn clothes when you have a new baby. Who can blame them? They are so tiny and adorable and fun to buy! Unfortunately, if you have a baby over 8lbs, they tend to fit for a week before your little piggy out grows them and then you're suddenly lacking in the cute clothes department.


This was my first time using a pattern I purchased from etsy. The pattern was well drafted and the instructions were clear, even though I found myself doing a couple of things differently. It was described as appropriate for a beginner but I disagree. Those pockets are intermediate level.


The Details

Pattern: Puperita Knight's Jacket

Fabric: 1 yard Waterfront Park Flight in Navy by Violet Craft for Michael Miller (purchased from PinkPoppiesFabrics) and 1 yard red flannel for lining.

Size: 3m

Changes made: Eliminated cord at waist.



Colleen and Andy, I'm so happy for you, and I hope I get to see pictures of the little "TATE-r Tot" in his jacket soon!

Be sure to visit the other blogs participating in this online shower, they have created some really fabulous stuff!!

Glen at This is Nowhere has a fun trivia challenge

Susan has made a cake fit for the occasion

Wendy and Stephanie both created wonderful gifts

If you haven't yet, meet Collen!




Anonymous said...

Love it Jamie! Incredible!

Anonymous said...

This is so cute & will be perfect for springtime!!! I love it!!! You are the sweetest Mermaid & my TATE sister. ;) Lots of love & hugs from all 3 of us. xxx

Barbara Konkle said...

This is so cute! I love it! I would love to attempt something like this someday!

mitchell henry said...

Very well-explained and practical advice. Keep up the good work!
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